Happy Friday! Can you believe we are closing in on the last week of October?? So crazy! I still haven’t watched Hocus Pocus this month, need to get right on that! Zoe and I started watching the Harry Potter movies together last weekend. We finished the first and are a little ways into the second. I read the books for the first time in 2013, and had never seen the movies. I think she is a fan, though she got scared during the troll scene. She asked for dolls from the movie for Christmas…so that’s a good sign. They make Barbie sized Hermione and Harry.
This was Zoe’s first week back to school, and the girl has been all smiles. Every day I pick her up, she tells me how it was the best day ever. So happy to hear!!! We had a little bit of a rough drop off yesterday, she said that she was going to miss me. Sweet girl. Her teachers are really good about just grabbing them and pushing you off on your way.
Favorite Find: I had this jacket in my cart for awhile, and one day I decided to just pull the trigger. I am so glad I did! It is so cute in person!!! It looks much higher end than it is, and it fits true to size. I had both Chris and Zoe tell me separately that I looked cool when I wore it. If that isn’t a win, I don’t know what is.
Zoe has said that she was going to ask Santa for this food truck for Christmas for the last 8-9 months…so I felt pretty confident ordering it this week. It comes put together, even better! I ordered several other things this week, and am about 90% done with her Christmas and birthday presents now. I need to figure out some stocking stuffers and get her a pair of boots for fall/winter.
Parents of older kids….where do you hide presents???? I have these in their shipping boxes in my office closet. She hasn’t figured that out yet…but I just know that maybe next year or the year after she is going to be too smart for them to be out in plain view.

Favorite Recipe: I cant remember if I shared this recipe or not after I made it the first time, but these boneless crockpot wings are amazing and so easy to make! We have been rotating them in our game day snacks and they would be great for a weeknight meal paired with a side as well.
Favorite Workout: Heather coming in hot with a no repeat! Sometimes I love no repeat workout because they always seem to go faster for me. Also, you know that move you hate isn’t coming back around on the second rep so it is easier to just get through it once and move on.
Favorite Funnies:

Linking up for Friday Favorites. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!