Book reviews coming in hot! I may post the second half of my November reading this month later. You can always find them on Instagram too. I got behind this month updating on there, I want to be better about doing them in real time again. I read so many good books this month, several are 5 star reads! Let’s get into it!
The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer

I wasn’t sure what to think of this book going in, but goodness did I enjoy it. It reminds me a bit of the bookish version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It was such a fun book filled with magic, wishes, love (both platonic and a little of the other kind), stories, just all the wonderful things. It started out a little slow for me, but once I was about 15-20% in….I was in hard and couldn’t stop.
Bottom Line: Read it
**I received a copy of The Wishing Game from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**
The Good Part by Sophie Cousens

I really enjoy Sophie’s books. I feel like they always have a unique plot that is obviously not realistic, but then she makes you feel like it is with wonderful writing and in depth characters. I think we have all been there in our twenties, struggling and wanting to “skip to the good part of our life.” This book gave major 13 going on 30 vibes. I absolutely ADORED Felix, he had to be my favorite character in the book. And can we talk about Sam for a minute? Could he be more perfect? This book left me thinking a lot about it when I wasn’t reading it and what I would do in the given situation. And if a book has me thinking about it in my own life, then I know its a good one. The only thing I will say, is that I feel like the ending was a little rushed, I wanted more. And maybe it was just because I was enjoying it that much, I just wasn’t ready for it to end.
Bottom Line: Read it!!!
**I received a copy of The Good Part from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**
Naughty All the Way by Valerie Pepper

This was such a fun novella that I through right through. I really enjoyed how the characters were introduced. You get just enough of a back story and depth of them so that you feel like you know them, and then it just gets hot and fun from there. I definitely would have liked a full story version of this plot, it was so fun. Snowed in, reverse age gap, instalove. A great way to kick off my Christmas reading! Valerie Pepper never disappoints.
Bottom Line: Read it
**I received a copy of Naughty All the Way in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**
The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata

This book has been on my TBR for years. Some of my favorite bookish friends gushed over it and for some reason I just never got around to reading it. Well, I devoured it in 24 hours, could not stop. This is the slowest of slow burns in the best way possible and I am so sad I am done with the book. I enjoyed the characters so much. I totally get the hype. This has so many good things, there is a lot of character development due to the slower pace, a marriage of convenience, hate to love, football, boss and employee, good side characters. Just everything!
Bottom Line: Read it!
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zeven

This book moved very slow at times, and I had a really hard time sticking with it for awhile. I am so glad I did, because I do love Zeven’s writing. There is so much creativity in this book when you consider all the games that were developed in it, all the details from the games being shared and then some interwoven into the story. These characters were unlikable at times because they felt so real. They were all so flawed and each had their own set of issues and odd things about them. I have always loved video games since I received Super Nintendo for Christmas way back in elementary school. My husband was a big gamer and we have a huge collection. So the nostalgia this book gave was right on. I don’t think you have to be into games though to appreciate the beautiful writing and storyline. This is one I will think about long after I read it. And I cant say that about many books. My only thing was that I felt it could be a little shorter, it did drag in parts which has me giving it a 4.5.
Bottom line: Read it!
**I received an ARC copy of Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.**