
Tiny Dancer

Ballerina, you must have seen her dancing in the sand
And now she’s in me, always with me, tiny dancer in my hand

It breaks my heart that Zoe’s first year of dance ended so abruptly. We wont get to wear these adorable costumes to recital this year, so I wanted to take some pictures to commemorate her first year of ballet, tap and jazz. I hope her love for dance continues. She really lights up when we put on her dance outfits and head to class. Week after week she leaves class with a huge smile on her face. Dance parties a regular thing at our house. Forever my tiny dancer.


Weekend Shenanigans

We are cruising right on through July, aren’t we?? It has been a hot one here this last two weeks. 90’s every day. It isn’t my favorite. We hardly spent any time outside this weekend because it is so miserably hot.

Thursday, we decided to have a milkshake party on the deck. (It was really more of a smoothie, but that is neither here nor there.) Find reasons to celebrate everyday. That is the way Zoe is living her life!

Friday we had fun playing in Kinetic sand. We have had this one bag for about a year and a half now, and it has definitely got a lot of play! Zoe likes to dig for animals in it. I bought some (house paint) paint brushes at Dollar General for her to use to dig around in there and they have worked well.

I placed an order for a few items from Publix, and decided to get some sushi for lunch since it was Friday. Best idea ever. Spicy crunch roll for the win!

Saturday, I spent a good two hours cleaning the floors, bathrooms, and doing laundry. I hate doing a huge chunk of my weekend cleaning like that, but it needed to be done. Chris and I also hung a shelf in our half bath and finally got Zoe’s curtains up in her room. Afterwards, I celebrated with margaritas and an enchilada bake. I made the enchilada sauce from scratch, game changer.

Saturday night, I made a buffalo chicken dip in the oven for snacks and we ordered pizzas from a fairly new place in town, Ironstone NY Pizzeria. They are NY style pizzas and they were delicious!!!! The slices were as big as my head.

After Zoe went to bed, I gave up quickly on Space Invaders and Chris and I listened to music. It was a fabulous evening.

Sunday morning, Chris had the genius idea to order Cracker Barrel breakfast. It was amazing. I swear we ate breakfast for like two hours. Zoe kept saying how delicious it was. She really loves their biscuits.

We hung around the house playing Barbies, reading books, playing with play dough and watching movies most of Sunday. Of course, we had a few outfit changes….

In the afternoon, Chris came up with the brilliant idea to order cookies from American Cookie Company (since we were taking a low carb break over the weekend.) An impromptu cookie party ensued, and it was so fun. Zoe talked about it the rest of the day.

Yesterday evening, Zoe and I took a stroll around the neighborhood after the sun went down before bed. After we got our jammies on, Chris suggested we check out the lightening bugs outside. I had never seen so many in one place before!!! It was like we had strung up twinkle lights in our treeline. Zoe was fascinated by them, and even told them all goodnight before we came back in for bed. I have a feeling it will become an evening ritual while they are out there. It’s the little things, you know??

And just like that, the weekend is over and is time to get back to it. This new way of life at home is a weird one some days. There were several times last week I felt really down and out. I miss just being able to go and do. I miss my family. I miss grocery shopping for myself. I miss meeting friends for lunch. And I know Zoe misses her friends and school so much. She has been projecting on her stuffed animals this past week. Saying that her elephant is sad because he doesn’t have any friends to play with anymore. Or that her doll is lonely. It is heartbreaking.

I really hope that things calm down soon so that we can start dipping back into our old lives. Chris and I were watching the episode of How I Met Your Mother last night where they took Robin’s sister the the Empire State building. They were all standing there in the lobby waiting to go in, and Chris said…do you remember when we used to stand in lines like that without a care??? Crazy, right?

First Time In New York | How I Met Your Mother Wiki | Fandom


I was going to do my weekend shenanigans post yesterday, but honestly, there wasn’t much to share. We took a car ride, we played around the house, cooking, dishes, same ol’ as of lately. Today I am linking up with Steph and Jana to share my books for the month.

We Are All the Same in the Dark by Julia Heaberlin

We Are All the Same in the Dark

I am going to be honest and say that this book was slow going in the beginning and took me awhile to get into. It has really good reviews, so I powered through knowing something was coming. I saw a few people call this a thriller. I wouldn’t use those words, at all. It is more of a slow-burn mystery. It started out with Wyatt’s POV, and I cared nothing about it. Then came Odette, and I enjoyed her more…but my attention was still not all there. Finally when we get Angel’s POV, I really started getting into it. There was definitely a twist at the end that I did not see coming!!! And maybe if I cared more about details in the beginning I would have picked up on it more? But who knows. So it has the surprise element going for it.

Bottom Line: If you have the patience for a slow burn mystery, this might be for you. I thought the writing itself was great, and it was definitely an interesting story.

**I received a copy of We Are All the Same in the Dark from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**

Burn For Me by Lea Coll

Burn for Me (All I Want, #3)

This is the third book in the series. I didn’t read the first two, but the characters from them are in this book. You don’t need to read it them enjoy this one. And enjoy I did. I couldn’t put it down. A good enemy to lovers story that was hot hot hot with chemistry. I liked both Ashley and Logan. Obviously, all good love stories include miscommunication between the characters, holding back because of past hurt, etc. I plan to read the next in the series and may go back to read the first two even though I know how those turn out.

Bottom Line: Good romance read.

The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren

The Unhoneymooners

I have been on the wait list for almost a year on this one! I just love CL! I really loved both Olive and Ethan, and the chemistry between the two was perfect. The book was fall to black romance scenes, which I wasn’t expecting from Christina Lauren. So if you aren’t a fan of that aspect of a romance book, then you might like this one. I laughed out loud so many times throughout this book, and smiled, and got angry, and felt it all.

Bottom Line: Highly recommend this one! Especially right now, the perfect summer/beach read.

No More Bad Dates by Kate O’Keefe

No More Bad Dates (High Tea, #1)

This was a cute book about bad dates, trying to find the right one, and finding yourself in the process. It was a quick, fun read. I laughed out loud at some of her dating experiences, because I have been there.

Bottom Line: Fun Romcom that passed the time just fine. I thought the cover was really cute.

Rounding Third by Michelle Lynn

Rounding Third (Infield, #1)

This one is full of first love, second chances, heartbreak and tragedy. I am going to be honest, I am not a huge fan of college romance novels. I didn’t realize that was what this was before starting it. But both characters are so broken from the tragedy that they went through together, it didn’t feel too light. I love a second chance romance if it is done right, and this one was! Watching the characters grow and overcome their past was heartwarming.

Bottom Line: This isn’t usually my favorite type of romance, but I actually really enjoyed it. I grabbed it for free on Amazon and felt it was worth the read.

Love Her or Lose Her by Tessa Bailey

Love Her or Lose Her (Hot & Hammered, #2)

I am becoming a huge fan of Tessa Bailey. I read the third book first, but that is neither here to there. This series is really fun, and I definitely plan to continue with it! I really liked Rosie and Dominc.I felt like the assessment of their marriage was realistic. That you get comfortable in the every day and let things slide, take things for granted, etc. I read the Love Language book many years ago, and I think I might revisit it after reading this book. They definitely talk about that a lot. I will say, I absolutely hated Dominic calling Rosie “honey girl.” I don’t know why, but it drove me crazy. It was fun getting to see the start of Bethany and Wes which are in the third book, and reading about all the other characters in this series.

Bottom Line: Really cute romcom series, definitely recommend!

Currently Reading

This one just came off hold from the library. I have been on the wait list since November 2019.

Twisted Twenty-Six (Stephanie Plum, #26)

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends! I woke up yesterday morning and worked out, and while I was doing my stretches after….I started freaking out because I realized it was Tuesday and it was SUYB day and I didn’t have my post ready. Ummmm apparently this week was so long, I felt like it should be NEXT Tuesday already. Sheesh.

There isn’t a whole lot new to report around here. Same old same old. Zoe hasn’t been back to school yet, but her daycare shut down this week due to coronavirus exposure. An entire family tested positive. Makes me realize that keeping her home with me has been the right call. Dance was supposed to start back up last night too, but we decided to pull her from the recital this year. I just don’t see how a large group event like that is safe right now. I hate it for her, and we paid a lot of money for her recital costumes. I am going to have to do some photos with them or something to commemorate her first year. We were so looking forward to seeing her dance friends (and the dance moms) too.

Favorite Purchase: I ordered a Sleeping Beauty mask from Rebecca on Etsy, and she threw in a matching one for Zoe!!! I received them quickly, and they are sooooo cute!!!!

Last Saturday I decided that I couldn’t live another day without pajamas and ordered several different kinds from a few different stores. I have spent my entire adult life without pajamas. I usually just wear tshirts and athletic shorts around the house most of the time, or leggings in the winter with sweatshirts. I don’t know if since quarantine, since I am lounging in my “house clothes” pretty much all the time…they don’t feel like my comfortable clothes anymore or what…but I just cant do it. I have a few more pieces I am waiting to come in, but so far my absolute favorites have been some that I got at Target!!!!

These shorts are SO soft and so comfortable! Plus, I think they are super cute. It looks like Circle has them for 5% off right now too! I am going to order every print/color I can find. Especially these black ones.

And how cute are the floral ones???

I got this tank top to go with it. I really love how soft it is, and the length. A lot of tops are too long on me to be comfortable for sleeping. This one is just right. It also comes in navy and is on the way to my house. The same brand has short sleeves as well, and I want to try one of those.

Favorite Recipe: Still cooking three times a day seven days a week for all of eternity it seems. How amazing does this whipped feta dip look? Perfect weekend treat.

Favorite Workout: I really enjoyed this low impact workout the other day after I had somehow hurt my back. There wasn’t really any jumping, and no moves were repeated, so it went by quickly. I added a walk around the neighborhood to it and it made the perfect day.

Favorite Funnies:

🍺😎 Biker Lifestyle
Absolutely, however I'd like to say that we're fighting FEAR also, unfortunately
20 Quarantine Memes Only Parents Will Understand | Family Vacation Critic

Low Carb Strawberry Margaritas

There is nothing better than a strawberry margarita in the summer by the pool, am I right??? The problem with margaritas, for me at least, is all the sugar! Enter a low carb version that is every bit as good tasting, without all the crap! This is super easy and something we have enjoyed several weekends this summer.

What You Need

1 cup tequila

1 cup frozen strawberries

1 cup ice

1/3 cup lime juice

4-5 squirts of liquid stevia (optional if you want that sweeter taste)

What You Do

Blend it! See how easy that was?!

You can easily turn this into a strawberry daiquiri by changing out the tequila for rum, and knocking down the lime juice to a few tablespoons instead. We did that last weekend when we were out of tequila.