
Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! We had a few days of absolutely gorgeous weather this week! It was in the upper 70s with low humidity, and that isn’t something we get too often down here. Zoe and I took full advantage, trying to do all the things outside!

We are excited to celebrate Father’s Day this weekend with Chris. We have a few things ordered and most everything has come, fingers crossed the rest comes today!!! We will be spending the weekend at home, but maybe we can order BBQ or have some steaks delivered to cook out. Do you have anything fun planned this weekend?

Favorite Purchase: I ordered a set of these pink pom pom baskets for Zoe’s room. For the price, you really cant beat them! They came with four, so I put three in Zoe’s room and I kept one for my office on the floor next to my chair with a blanket. They are a great size and can be used for so many different things. I like them so much, I might order another set in white.

I also finally decided on a nightstand for Zoe’s room. Now that she has a big girl bed, she needs a nightstand! Hopefully we can go to HomeGoods soon so I can get a little lamp or frame to decorate the top with. Oh how I miss HomeGoods!!!

Shop INSPIRE Q Aldine 2 Drawer White Oval Wood Accent Table ...

Favorite Recipe: Each week, I have been trying to add in one or two new recipes to keep things interesting around here. I mean, over three months straight of cooking all the meals….you experience some burn out.

Anyways, I made these Feta Cheeseburgers in Tomato Cream Sauce. They were easy, low carb friendly and delicious and came together in under 30 minutes. I paired them with some roasted brussels. Even Zoe approved and asked for seconds.

I also made an oatmeal cookie protein shake for breakfast this week. This really is like an oatmeal cookie in a cup!

For this you simply blend a scoop of vanilla protein (my favorite), a cup of almond milk, a 1/2 cup of oats (I used old fashioned but you could use rolled too), 1 tsp of maple syrup and 1/2 cup of ice. I think this would be so delicious with a sprinkle of cinnamon or a handful of cocoa nibs if you want to get fancy.

Favorite Workout: I find that Madfit workouts are short and to the point. I am always sore afterwards! I really enjoyed this Thigh, Booty and Calves one that she released earlier this week.

Favorite Funnies:

The many faces of LUCY !
Afternoon Funny Meme Dump 33 Pics
Pretty Much - Imgur

Chloe Ting 2 Weeks Shred Challenge

I did it. I completed the Chloe Ting 2 Weeks Shred Challenge! There are so many YouTube videos out there with the Chloe Ting shred challenge. Some have crazy results!!! I wanted to share my experience if you were thinking about doing it.

What Is the Chloe Ting 2 Weeks Shred Challenge

Chloe Ting offers several free fitness programs on her website. This specific challenge is 14 days. There are 2 active rest days and 12 scheduled workout days. You can alter the rest days to fit your needs. Me personally, I work out Monday-Friday and so I stuck to that schedule. I did all the workouts for the day back to back first thing in the morning fasted.

Each day you will do the Do This Every Day to Lose Weight workout and the ABS in 2 Weeks Video. A few days, that is all you do. The rest of the days you will complete a second abs video, core and arms or lower body. Most days are 3 or 4 workouts in a row.

My Results

Over the course of the challenge, I lost 2 pounds and do see a difference in my abdominal area. Things are looking a little more toned. My measurements only changed 0.5 inches around the smallest part of my waist, all my other measurements remained the same since I took them over a month ago.

My Thoughts

While I don’t have crazy results showing off amazing defined abs, I am happy with the challenge. The thing is, I was already eating low carb and healthy. I was already working out five days a week. I feel like some of the people who saw crazy results had made a lot of changes in their diets. The fact that I was able to FINALLY break my plateau over the 2 weeks and lose 2 pounds is great!

Also, even though I do work out a lot….I don’t typically focus on my abs. My stomach is all kinds of stretched out from pregnancy and I will probably never have defined abs. I just wont. So I don’t usually focus on that area. I did this challenge to try and see what happens if I did focus on that area for awhile. Like I said, I did see some changes pretty quickly. I will continue to add in her workouts in my rotation, even though I pretty much hate every minute of it.

The workouts themselves go quickly. You usually do around 21 moves for 30 seconds each. Each workout had me sweating and huffing and puffing. You don’t need any equipment at all for them, just a mat for back support. Me personally, I prefer to do weighted workouts. I hate mat work and body weight exercises, and that is the majority of this workout. It forced me to do a lot of moves I usually don’t do.

I do feel like some moves are repeated several times in the same workout video, and over the few you do in a day. There was one day I did up and down planks like 5 times. It was a little repetitive and by the time I got to the last set, it was all modified because…just no.

Chloe Ting herself is energetic and motivating. I like the way the workouts are set up, and she has a timer going for each move, and lets you know what is coming up next in the bottom corner of the screen. She obviously knows her stuff, because look at her!!!

Chloe Ting - Free Workout Programs - #ChloeTingChallenge

I like that she is in her 30’s. A lot of fitness youtubers are in their 20s and what works for their bodies, doesn’t necessarily work for someone who is older.

Overall, considering the fact that this is a free program, I highly recommend it. While I don’t have the abs pictured above, I didn’t expect them after only 2 weeks. I am happy with my results, and I definitely think that her workouts are effective.

I am not sure what my plan is going forwards. I usually do a variety of Popsugar, Walk at Home, Pamela Reif, Madfit, XHIT. Whatever I am feeling like that morning, trying to alternate what areas of the body I am focusing on or doing all over/cardio. I take daily walks (weather permitting) around the neighborhood, and often play Just Dance with Zoe. If you don’t think that is a workout, my apple watch will tell you otherwise. It always ends up eventually registering it as a workout based on my heart rate! I do like having a specific challenge/schedule to stick to because it forces me to work hard on days I really am not feeling it. Who knows, I may check out another Chloe Ting one!


Weekend Shenanigans

We had the most gorgeous weather this weekend!!! It was hot (in the mid 80’s) but the humidity was low. That is something that we don’t get to experience much down here. Usually the humidity makes it unbearable even in the 70’s sometimes. So we took full advantage and hung outside most of the weekend.

Zoe took the picture of Chris and I.

I ordered a sprinkler on our Shipt order Saturday, and Zoe was so excited! It is her new favorite thing to do! Plus, our grass gets watered more evenly than say the slip n slide. I made some low carb strawberry margaritas for Chris and I to sip while we were out there. They were incredible, recipe to come!

Saturday night, Chris and I hung out in the game room after Zoe went to bed. We watched an old Tomorrowland and chatted. I love hanging out in that room so much. It has come together so nicely. All of our arcade games fit in there, and we have our old school consoles set up down there as well.

Sunday, we ordered burgers and BBQ from Full Moon to be delivered. Zoe and I ate our burgers for lunch, and had some BBQ turkey for dinner with some green beans that I made in the air fryer. So good. (I ordered the kids meal burger for myself because it is a better portion size for me, and I wont lie, their half moon cookie is FANTASTIC that comes with it.)

Zoe is really into playing games right now. We pretty much play Mario Kart every day when I am done working. And she whips out all the board games every chance she gets. This weekend we played several rounds of Cooties.

And just like that, the weekend was over. Back to the grind today. Thanks to all of you who gave me some plant suggestions on Instagram stories. I suck with plants, kill them all. Hopefully we can get something that will at least survive the summer. Our mailbox bed is looking sad, and so is our porch.


Friday Favorites

How are you doing? Are you starting to venture back out into the world yet? Are people wearing masks in your area? We still haven’t been anywhere yet, but we do take care rides on the weekends. We also started ordering take out to be delivered to our house, so we are slowly dipping our toe back into society.

Zoe passed out on our last car ride. I love how she makes sure to make any event fabulous. She gathered toys and snacks for our 20-30 minute ride. Even changed from a princess crown to cat ears mid trip. Also, I would like to note that this is the only nap the kid has taken in the last three months. Lord held me.

I realized that we never got to take spring pictures at school before all this went down. I had purchased this adorable pink dress for Zoe on clearance last year with spring pictures in mind. I couldn’t let it go to waste! We decided to do a little random midweek photo shoot, and I think they turned out so cute.

Favorite Purchase: Every time I see someone post about their Fabfitfun box, I think how fun it would be to get a variety of new products to try. I decided to pull the trigger for the summer box, and it was so much fun! I love that you get to chose a few options, and the rest are a surprise. Plus, I really appreciate the full size products. (I need to use something for awhile before I decide if I like it, you know?) If you sign up with my link, you can get $10 off your first box. Full disclosure, I would receive a credit my account as well. I also have a couple free “friend” boxes (they have 3-4 full size products) to give away, you just pay shipping, if you are interested let me know.

I was most excited about the Draper James straw bag and that Isaac Mizrahi vase….but I can see myself using every single item in here! (The hand cream is on my desk and already in use, hence why it is missing from the second picture.) I added it all up, and my box was worth $269.

Favorite Recipe: I made these keto crackers for the week, and they are full of flavor and hit the spot.

I also tried this chicken carbonara recipe earlier this week. Delicious and low carb.

And I made Chris and I coffee ring pop popsicles. This is just using some Dunkin Donuts brewed coffee and heavy cream. Nice little pick me up in the afternoons when I am outside on the deck with Zoe. Because summer came hard and it is already humid AF here. (Don’t mind the jagged nail job, this is why I don’t paint my fingernails often.)

Favorite Workout: I am still doing the Chloe Ting Shred Challenge. I have two more workouts left. She is kicking my ass every day. I am drenched in sweat and so dead when I finish. But damn, do I feel good. I started noticing results around my stomach in just three days. And according to the scale, I am also down 2 pounds. I will do a final thoughts/results on it next week when I finish.

Favorite Funnies:

Sooooo true! 😊
This is why I don't eat celery. - Imgur
Pin now, laugh later.
Spicy. #geeklife
The domestic ninja! This cracked me up...I use to do this all the time when my girls were in school🤓


It’s book day! Linking up with Steph and Jana. I flew through some Netgalley books this month! Might be the most I have had from my shelf in one month. I am sure they will be happy about that, since I am like 3 years behind on some books. But don’t worry, these are all the newest ones I was most excited about LOL.

Open Book by Jessica Simpson

Open Book

I did this on audiobook, it is really the only way I enjoy this type of book. I have always loved Jessica Simpson, her empire of fashion, fragrance, kids line (and music)…it’s the dream! I really appreciate how raw and honest she was about her problems in this book. So many people try to wear the perfection mask these days, knowing everyone compares themselves to their impossibly “perfect” life. I don’t wish problems on anyone, but we all have them. It is nice to see the imperfect sometimes too. I felt like I could relate to her struggles with weight and self image throughout her life.

Bottom Line: I enjoyed this book as much as I thought I would. It was cool hearing the story behind the fashion line, and of course, all the dirt and grit of her life and relationships.

Neanderthal Seeks Human by Penny Reid

Neanderthal Seeks Human (Knitting in the City, #1)

I really loved and really got annoyed with this book. Don’t get me wrong, it was good and I couldn’t put it down. But sometimes I just wanted to shake Janie and be like DUHHHHHH. She reminds me  of Stella in The Kiss Quotient, but I think I liked Stella more. I really liked Janie though, because her character was so different and awkward. And Quinn!!! Even though he remained a little mysterious throughout, it was hard to not love him. Penny Reid can write a love story.

Bottom Line: Cute book, I plan to continue in the series for sure. Love the knitting club aspect of it. There aren’t really any steamy scenes in this book, they are behind the curtains. So if you like a good love story, but tend to stray from romance because you don’t like them….this would be a good read for you.

Tools of Engagement by Tessa Bailey

Tools of Engagement (Hot & Hammered, #3)

This is my first Tessa Bailey book, and it won’t be my last! I didn’t realize when I requested this one that it was part of a series. While the first two couples in the series are in this book, you don’t need to know anything about them to enjoy this one. (And there are some hints dropped at what happened in the first two books to pick right up and feel like you know the whole story.)

I read another book recently, The Honey Don’t List, that had a home improvement couple in it. This one is nothing like that book, it is a lot better. I really felt like Bethany and Wes were relatable characters. Bethany was constantly self doubting herself, and wore a mask around people, letting them think she was always carefree and perfect. Inside she was an anxiety ridden mess. Who doesn’t feel the pressure to be perfect???? And Wes comes with his own problems too. Plus, there is the age difference between the two. Not to mention the little girl, Laura, was too cute. There were several times I LOL’d reading this book.

Bottom Line: I just really love an enemy to lovers book, and this delivers. So cute. Read it. You don’t even have had to read the first two books first, I didn’t.

**I received a copy of Tools of Engagement from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**

The Dilema by B.A. Paris

The Dilemma

This isn’t BA Paris’s typical book, it is more of a family drama. The whole book takes place in one day, and alternates between Adam and Livia, a couple who got married way too young and each have a secret. I wasn’t sure how I was liking it at first, but then I also couldn’t put it down and needed to know how everything played out. There was a twist I didn’t see coming, and I really did enjoy reading. I felt all the emotions between them, and while the whole book wouldn’t have been a story if they would have just communicated to each other in the beginning…..it was very realistic of a marriage.

Bottom Line: While this isn’t her typical physiological thriller, BA Paris writes a fantastic family drama!

**I received a copy of The Dilema from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**

The Lies That Bind by Emily Giffin

The Lies That Bind

This book is like a train wreck. It is a bit all over the place, and so absurd at times. But I couldn’t freaking put it down because OMG! I was really into Cecily and Grant’s build up of their relationship, and you sort of know what is going to happen to Grant based on the book synopsis…so that isn’t a surprise. There are a few twists to the book, I saw every single one of them coming, so it is a bit predictable. That part didn’t bother me. But there was some serious Jerry Springer shit happening here. And maybe too many coincidences. I feel like the book was rushed a bit in parts. And I don’t even know how I feel about the ending.

Bottom Line: I don’t really know how to rate this one. The chemistry between Cecily and Grant in the beginning, as well as not being able to put it down deserves 4-5 stars. But the rest of the book, ehhhhhh. I am going to call it 3 stars. If you are a Giffin fan, I wouldn’t pass it up. I am still thinking about the book, so that says something. But I was also left a little disappointed too? If you have read this, talk to me!

**I received a copy of The Lies That Bind from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**

Heartache in Heels by Cate Lawley

Heartache in Heels (Love Ever After #1)

This was a cute little read. There isn’t much depth to it, and it isn’t so much a romance as a fun little love story with a witch, fairy godmother, incorporeal bodies and a fun little love story. I read it in a day, and I enjoyed it. Not much else to say. I really liked all the characters in the book, and how it switched from Hillary and Brad’s POVs.

Bottom Line: Fun, quick read if you don’t mind a little paranormal activity.

All Stirred Up by Brianne Moore

All Stirred Up

This is an interesting modern retelling of Jane Austen’s Persuasion. The book was written in third person, which isn’t my favorite for a love story like this, but it worked. I really enjoyed all the behind the scenes of watching a restaurant work to make a new name for itself. I liked both Susan and Chris, and some of the side characters are fun too.

Bottom Line: Cute read. There are no steamy scenes in the book if you are looking for a fun second chance romance.

**I received a copy of All Stirred Up from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are of my own.**

Currently Reading

Burn For Me by Lea Coll

Burn for Me (All I Want, #3)