
Weekend Shenanigans, Some Loves and a Recipe

Weekend shenanigans on a Thursday, why not? This past weekend we had a lot of fun! Laura and her crew came over Saturday morning. We hadn’t seen each other in a few months, so they got to see our new house for the first time, we celebrated Christmas, and Laura’s birthday and Valentine’s Day all in one day. I made a charcuterie board that was quite delightful, and we ordered some food in from Southland.

I got super fancy, and roasted my own pecans. Why have I never done this before??? They tasted so much better than store bought ones, and didn’t have all the cheap oils added to them.

You just take a bag of raw pecan halves, 2 tablespoons of butter and a teaspoon of salt. Mix it around and spread them out on a pan and bake in the oven at 350 degrees for around 7 minutes. Perfection!!!

We also did a Valentine’s Day craft, finger painting with the kiddos. Zoe may or may not looked like a smurf when we were done.

Someone got a little static in the bounce house…

Sunday morning, Zoe and I met up with my sister for some breakfast at Waffle House. They ate breakfast, I had a drink. I am still doing IF. It is going alright. After that, we knocked out our grocery shopping and came back home to get Chris to go to Bargain Hunt. I scored an awesome deal on some Express shoes for $5, found Zoe some tap shoes in the next size up for $5 as well!

I also did my fingernails for the first time this weekend in forever. Probably like three years! One of my sweet daycare/dance mom friends gave me some Colorstreet Nails to try. These were so easy to put on, and there is zero dry time. They are supposed to last up to 10 days, which is way longer than the hour a normal polished hand lasts on me before chipping. They look so so so pretty and I cant stop staring at them! I already ordered some more! If you are interested, here is her site. She is the sweetest!

(Also, I only used one of the two strips to do all my fingers, so you can make one set last two times.)

Laura gifted me this Tula Eye Balm, and it feels incredible on my tired eyes! I have been rubbing this on in the morning…and then using it in the afternoon over my makeup. It helps that the packaging is beautiful!

Speaking of things I love, I got this top on mega sale at Loft, and it is so pretty in person!!! It fits true to size. I am trying to get a few pieces with some color in my wardrobe of blacks and navy!

I also ordered this dress, and this striped shirt on sale! Both were cute in person as well. I would say on the dress, you could probably size down one. I plan on wearing my jean jacket over it, so it doesn’t really matter for me.

I hope you are having a great week!


Friday Favorites – Life Lately

First off, can I just say how thankful I am for my job? Zoe has her three year wellness visit this morning, so I figured it would be best for me to work from home today. I can get a good chunk of work done this morning before her appointment, and then come back and finish up after without the commute into the office, back to the daycare, to the doctor, back to the office, rinse and repeat. And its no big deal, have a great weekend, see you on Monday.

I know that a lot of companies are more like this these days….but there are many that still aren’t! I came from one that was the complete opposite, and I am still amazed every day that I can come and go as I please like an adult that does her job. No micromanaging or watching my every move waiting to call me out for something. It really is incredible, and I don’t ever take it for granted.

Favorite Moment: Chris and I have spent a lot of time working around the house the last two weekends. We are really starting to settle in and set things up the way that we want. We purchased a new projector, screen and surround sound for our theater room in the basement. We had a projector before, but this one…wow!

I spent about four hours in Zoe’s room, playroom and closet organizing, getting rid of clothes and toys that don’t suit her anymore, and just trying to find a good set up. I am still working in the playroom. I think I need another shelf or something in there. But it is coming along nicely!

The way her room is set up, you walk through her closet to get to her playroom. She loves that she has a “secret room” and I can really see it growing with her into a little teenage hang out area when she is older.

We hardly had any decor in our old house. It was like we always knew it wasn’t our forever home, so we never took the time to really make it our own. I am absolutely loving spreading some of our pictures out here and finding decor that reflects us.

I scored this amazing side table at Bargain Hunt for $40 last weekend! It looks so great with the lamp in our hearth room off the kitchen. This has become one of my favorite spots in the house, as I spend a lot of time in this room with Zoe. She has a TV in there, her little table where she eats and colors, and some toys on the main floor.

Chris was a champ, and helped me put together my desk last weekend. So. Many. Pieces. But I really love the finished product! Lots to do in the office still, like paint some walls (Ughhhhhhh) but I feel great to finally have this set up!

Favorite Purchase: I love the Pleione brand from Nordstrom. They make some really great work tops. This one is cute in person than it is online, but I love the loose peplum at the bottom. I grabbed it in black, and then thought better of my self and grabbed this gorgeous blue color with polka dots. I have always loved a little polka dot, so classic. Usually you can find me in black, and I am really trying to add a few more colors to my closet.

Ok fine. You know what. I will share my fitting room picture. I always take pictures of myself in clothes before I purchase to make sure I actually like it. This actually runs a little big, so I sized down to a medium.

Favorite Lust: Have you seen the new Kendra Scott heart necklace???? I am in love!!! How freaking cute is this??? They have earrings to match that I really want too.

Favorite Recipe: I have made these chicken tenders twice now, and they are incredible!!! Keto friendly if you are looking for a low carb options.

keto chicken tenders coated in buffalo sauce with a side of celery

Favorite View: The sunrise the other day was absolutely breathtaking. I took Mac out, and ran back inside to grab my phone because it had to be captured. I know I shared this on Instagram, but I have to share again.

Favorite Funnies:

Image result for if i had to pick a favorite child meme

Holiday Rewind

Since it has almost been a month since Christmas, I figured I would go ahead and post about ours. Technically we still have one more Christmas to celebrate with Laura next weekend, soooooo we are dragging out the holiday as long as possible around here. Don’t worry, all my decor is put up.

Anyways, back to the holidays. We visited Santa the Saturday before Christmas.

That Sunday, my sister and I went over to my mom’s house because her best friend (my Godmother) was stopping by from Pittsburgh on her way to NOLA to visit her son. My mom made spaghetti, and we hung around and chatted for awhile. Zoe had fun running from, and chasing around my mom’s dogs. Pretty sure Mac is the size of one of her dog’s heads. They are big girls!

Christmas Eve was spent at Chris’s parents house, as we do every year. We also made cookies and set them out along with some carrots for Santa. Guest appearance from Anna to decorate the cookies.

And in true parenting fashion, Chris and I spent Christmas Eve night cussing and throwing pieces of toys around trying to put them together way too late in the evening. I managed to get the easel built while Chris put together the Frozen castle and Sven.

It was all worth it to see this sweet face Christmas morning. She was beyond ecstatic!

I was also spoiled this Christmas with some Ugg slippers and beautiful jewelry from one of my favorite boutiques. Zoe has really enjoyed playing with her Frozen castle. I think her favorite present was the dress up center from my sister. We have multiple wardrobe changes every single day around here. You never know what princess you might dine with.

We really did have a wonderful Christmas, and were far too blessed. And yes, that is Zoe wearing a dress with no tights Christmas day, and the day after. Because Alabama weather does what it wants.



Image result for keto diet meme

Hey guys! I know, I sort of dropped a book post and a trip recap on you after not being around for a few weeks. I kept meaning to get up a few weekend posts, my favorite books from 2019 and Christmas…but none of that happened.

Can you believe that we are over half way through the first month of 2020?! January usually feels like it lasts a year to me for some reason, but not this year. I am not one to make resolutions, or have a word or theme for the year. I don’t think I have ever stuck to any resolutions or remembered my word past the first few days. I do usually try to reset my diet for a month after the holidays. The past four years I have done Whole 30. While I feel it is a great reset tool, I don’t love it and didn’t want to do it again this year.

The stress of the last several months changing jobs, buying/selling a home, moving, getting a new car, Zoe’s birthday, the holidays, a long trip, life….it has all contributed to a weight gain for me. That and I didn’t work out a single day in December. Me, the girl who faithfully works out 5 days a week.

I decided I was going to have to start 2020 with something more drastic. I picked January 6th, the Monday after we came home from our trip. Because can you really start anything on any day but Monday??

I am doing Thomas DeLauer’s 30-day Intermittent Fasting Challenge, along with following the Keto diet. I have fought hard against both these things for so long. I tried IF a few months ago, but I didn’t do it right and I felt like shit after day three and quit. I did a lot more research this time around, as well as eased myself slowly into it. Thomas DeLauer’s challenge is to do IF every other day. This is totally manageable, and I find that I am actually doing it a little more often than that. I will probably go full blown IF next month.

I thought that 16 hours was just so long to go without food. I am one of those people who gets hangry, and can get shaky and have a headache if I go too long in between meals. The first few days were a little rough, I am not going to lie. But I realized if I can push past the 30-45 minutes of discomfort I feel between 9-10am, I am fine again and actually have laser sharp brain focus until I break my fast. This has helped me reduce my caloric intake, since I am not eating anything at breakfast. I don’t even really like breakfast anyways, and have always struggled with it.

Then the whole keto thing. Chris did Keto when I was pregnant with Zoe. What a time to cut out carbs, right???? I obviously didn’t follow along with him, but I supported him and made meal modifications for him. (Basically we just ate different sides.) He was really successful and lost a lot of weight. I know so many people who have been successful with keto. Basically everyone who has tried and stuck with it has seen significant loss.

So this is the end of my second week, and I am down 10 pounds from my pre-Christmas weight. I still cant find our scale from when we moved, so I went out and bought one this week so we can track. I had a doctor appointment the week before Christmas, and that is the weight I used as my starting weight, even though I probably gained a few pounds on our trip…as one does.

Obviously, this isn’t a lifestyle that is sustainable forever. I mean, it could be, but that isn’t how I want to live forever. I will probably adjust and modify as I go.

I will share some updates along the way, and if I get brave enough, I may share the horrendous before pictures. This isn’t just about weight loss for me though. While I am hoping to drop some weight, I have been having horrible hip pain lately. The only thing I can contribute it to is less movement and extra weight.

Let me know if you would like me to share some low carb recipes. One of the things that has made this easy, is trying out new recipes each week. We have had some really good stuff so far! I don’t really feel like I am depriving myself of much. Besides coffee creamer. God, I miss the coffee creamer. I am still bitter about it and blow it kisses as I walk by it in the store. Dramatic much?

I am just putting all this out there to hold myself accountable. Did you make any goal or diet changes for 2020?


Gatlinburg Trip

Every year, Chris’s family goes to Gatlinburg after Christmas. We went several years prior to Zoe, but haven’t been since she was born. I figured that this year was a great age to start going on trips like this!

View from our chalet
The little white specs is downtown Gatlinburg. Crazy how high up we were!

We were up there for 7 days and we got to do a lot of things that we love! We walked around downtown a few times, being sure that we stopped by a few of our favorite stores, grabbed a farkle dog and foot-long corn dog at Fannie Farkles, had hot chocolate from the Donut Friar, and played many games at the Space Needle arcade!

Zoe was obsessed with all the snowmen around downtown, and needed photographed with all of them. So cute!

The arcade was definitely one of Zoe’s favorite things to do. Is she our kid or what?

We went mini-golfing at Crave, which was a really cute indoor/outdoor place that was ice cream themed. We even got Zoe an ice cream bowl with her name on it for home.

We visited The Island in Pigeon Forge twice. The first time, we shopped around the stores, Zoe’s favorite being the toy store! We played games at the arcade there, got some yummy cheese fries at Poynor’s Pommes Frites, rode the merry-go-round and Zoe talked me into riding the huge Ferris Wheel….despite my crippling fear of heights. Which was honestly challenged the entire trip with all the switchbacks and steep mountain roads with no guard rails. White knuckle driving at it’s finest! I was proud for conquering that fear, and got some amazing pictures and views from the top!

View from the Ferris Wheel

The second visit to The Island involved eating at Paula Deen’s restaurant. OMG!!! The food was so so so so good! We lucked out and only had about a 15-minute wait and were seated right next to the windows with beautiful views of the whole area. When we were leaving, the wait was up to almost 2 hours.

One of my favorite things about the trip was getting to meet up with Andrea!!! I don’t even remember if it was on her blog, or on Instagram that she mentioned she was going to be there at the same time as me…and as soon as I read that I messaged her immediately. A meet up had to happen! We met in The Village in Downtown Gatlinburg and had hot chocolate and donuts from The Donut Friar. Chris and Zoe were with me, since we were going to do other things down there after and both of them even commented on how sweet and genuine she was. She brought Zoe a dog that has basically followed us around everywhere since. And you know pictures had to go down. We are bloggers!

We ate at No Way Jose’s and Loco Burro in downtown Gatlinburg, Mama’s Farmhouse and Bennett’s Pit BBQ while we were there as well.

We went gem mining twice. I am on the lookout for a really cool way to display these for Zoe in her room.

And we visited Ripley’s Believe It or Not and the Aquarium while we were there.

My favorite display at Ripley’s was Hogwarts made from matchsticks! Incredible!!!!

I hate that I didn’t get to go shopping at the outlets, or eat at Apple Barn while we were there. We will just have to make a trip another time soon with Zoe! It was insane how crowded it was at Christmas this year. It is always really crowded, but it seemed even more so this time! I would like to visit another time of year when we can fit more in.

And I have to share the amazing views the last day. We were above the fog. It was so thick, you couldn’t see anything driving up the mountain the night before. And in the morning, it almost looked like a white lake. Incredible!!!!