
Friday Favorites – What’s New With You

I seem to always have good intentions with this link up, but that first Thursday always sneaks up on me! I wanted to drop in and share some of what we have been up to lately, and some favorites.

Favorite Moments: Grabbing a delicious and much needed strawberry mojito. This has pieces of strawberry and mint in it and it was sooooo good. I cant wait to grab another!

Wednesday, I grabbed a delicious cobb salad from Paramount with a co-worker. We sat out on the patio and enjoyed the beautiful weather. It was nice to get out of the office for a bit.

Wednesday evening Chris was out of town for work, and on my way to pick up Zoe, I decided we would take a little trip to the City Bowls food truck. It was parked in a neighborhood on our way home, and it was so fun to crack open the tailgate and have a picnic in the back of the car. Of course, a random afternoon thunderstorm rolled through, but we didn’t let it ruin our fun.

Favorite Sale: The Sephora VIB sale is going on now! I loaded my cart up Thursday night and cashed in some Shopkicks to stock up! (If you haven’t signed up for the ShopKicks app, use my code: FREE413460 and we can both get rewards!!.) I ordered the Olaplex 3 hair treatment that I am super excited to try. Especially with the humidity and stuff building up! I also grabbed the Urban Decay Naked single shadow. It is the only one that is completely gone in the palette and my favorite every day color. I also grabbed the Beauty Blender Solid Cleanser to use my real techniques sponge. That thing is so hard to clean sometimes, you know?And I have been dying to try the Drunk Elephant Baby Facial, so I am grabbing the smaller size to see if it works before spending $$$ on the full size. I hope it is as magical as people claim.

Reading: Scored The Last Mrs. Parrish from the library. Not sure how I feel about it yet, I really dislike one of the characters. I am pretty sure you are supposed to, though.

Listening: I am really into Without Me by Halsey right now…

Watching: We have been catching up on all of our shows. My favorites are Greys, The Chicago trilogy, Blue Bloods, The Resident and Big Bang Theory.

Lusting: It is rare that I purchase jewelry anymore. I have my staple favorites that I love and are on high rotation. I have a few special necklaces that Chris has bought me over the years, and that is about it. There are a few things I have kept of my costume jewelry that go with “that one outfit.” But this layered necklace caught my eye, and I know it would go with so much!

TREASURE & BOND Sunburst Multistrand Necklace, Main, color, GOLD


Image result for you're riding a horse full speed meme
Image result for my brain cells, skin cells continue to die meme
Image result for i walk around like everything is fine but
Image result for i've had my name mispronounced so many times

I think it is supposed to rain some this weekend, so we will hopefully clean out our garage some and I guess I will say oopsy to the yard work! I hope to see my sister at some point, she wants to see Zoe. Not sure what else we have going on. I hope that whatever you are doing, you have a fabulous weekend!


The One With the Sun

You guys, the weather this past weekend was absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! The kind of weather you dream about. We basically spent most waking hours outside, and I wasn’t mad about it.

We also enjoyed some delicious food this weekend. Friday, I stopped by Edgar’s for the cobb salad, we hit up Parish on Saturday and I was whipping it up in the kitchen Sunday with steak street tacos and homemade spaghetti with Italian sausage.

I wanted to get some stuff done around the house too, but decided that it is going to rain some next weekend…and why waste all that weather being stuck inside?? In Alabama, it gets too hot too fast, so you have to enjoy it while you can!

Since I am posting a weekend recap on a Wednesday night, again, can we talk about the Billboard Music Awards?? I rarely watch award shows anymore. Mostly, because I never know who half the people are because I am old. I am either listening to 90s and early 2000’s stuff in my car, or Disney stuff that Zoe picks. But I happened to tune in tonight, and I am so glad I did. I got to watch Mariah Carey sing and accept the Icon award. How awesome. I have always loved her music, and she looked fabulous! I am stretching my bedtime so I can watch Paula Abdul too!!!

We moved into our new office Monday, and I am still trying to get used to sitting out in the open with 2 of my coworkers staring directly at me. The walls around my desk are only 4 foot tall, and I feel so exposed!!!! However, the openness and all the sunlight that pours through the windows is incredible. The space is soooo nice and there are so many little details that were thought of. Like our water machines have pellet ice. PELLET ICE YOU GUYS!!!! We have a “cafe” instead of a break room now, and that space is incredible too. Plus I am a block closer to some of the restaurants that I would like to frequent more often. And I get to park in a parking deck now instead of the shitty lost outside by the Redmont where no one can seem to park correctly and at least five of my co-workers have had their cars hit in that lot since I started back in November. Not good odds, you know?

I hope you all are having a wonderful week!! I hope to be back tomorrow with a Friday Favorites post. Anyone else have their Sephora carts loaded and ready for the VIB Sale???I am about to do that now!


Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!!! I can’t believe this is the last weekend of April, the month sure did fly by! Today is our last day in our current office, and it will be interesting to see if we can get the rest of the stuff packed in time! I spent a lot of time planning my projects so that I can get everything turned in and packed on time, fingers crossed!

Favorite Song: It has been awhile since I have shared a song. Probably because I am constantly listening to Moana, Frozen, Barney, Elmo, etc in the car. It was on my heart to share this song, like someone needed to hear it. Give it a listen.

Favorite Moments: Earlier in the week, the weather was absolutely gorgeous and we spent every evening after work/school outside. It was so nice playing with the water table, watching Zoe ride her bike and drive around in her Minnie car. Chris played with his remote control car and we even took a family walk. Of course, the rain had to come in and spoil all that fun last night.

Favorite Purchase: I ordered some reusable make-up remover pads from Amazon. They are a great size, super soft, have pretty colors around the edge and came with a cute travel bag and mesh laundry bag. I love that they are so big, I only need to use one each night. Added bonus: no cotton pieces left all over my face! Do yourself, and the planet a favor and get you some!!!

18 Reusable Makeup Remover Pads - Organic Bamboo Cotton Rounds, Zero Waste Makeup Remover Wipes, Cotton Pads for Face with Travel Bag & Mesh Laundry Bag, Products for a Greener Tomorrow

Favorite Lust: I am thinking about pulling the trigger on these beauties, the ABEO Una from The Walking Company. I am not sure if I want to get the neutral bed or the metatarsal. Anyone have any experience with them?? I read a lot of reviews saying that the shoes are awesome for plantar fasciitis, but no one ever says which ones they went with.

Image result for abeo una

Also, my deodorant game needs some help. Everything I use quits working after awhile. It is so annoying. For those of you who use the Kopari Coconut, do you truly like it??? I feel like the reviews have been skewed by all the influencers who get it for free. Does it last all day? Does it really work? What is your favorite?

Favorite Funnies:


Weekend Shenanigans – The One With the Bunny

I had a glorious four days off for Easter. It was fabulous and I might still be in denial that it is over. Work has been so crazy the last few weeks, that it was really nice just to spend a few days with Zoe getting to do all the fun things. And fun things we did! 

I have been wanting to go back to The Fitting Touch for awhile now to get some new bras. I haven’t been properly fitted for one since 2012. That is crazy! I went at the perfect time of day, and the owner of the store was there to help me. She was fantastic and measured me, found me some wonderful bras and basically changed my life. I had been wearing the wrong size band my entire life. I always thought I was a 36, when in fact, I am a 34. Who knew? The girls are sitting high and proud in my new bras and I swear it has knocked 10 pounds off me instantly. (Here is one of the bras I got and I LOVE IT! And this strapless, which is also a convertible bra and actually stays up for me.)

The owner was really sweet with Zoe too, and walked me around the store showing me some of her favorite things and answering all of my questions. I cannot recommend The Fitting Touch enough if you are local. And their prices are fair, and I actually got some things cheaper than I would have at somewhere like Victoria Secret. I used to love that place in my twenties, but it is basically garbage to me now. They don’t carry my size anyways. RUDE. 

After our little shopping trip, Zoe and I went to Dairy Queen to grab mini blizzards and headed home for lunch and a nap. Well, she napped, I cleaned out the drawers in our bedroom. Let go of a lot of t-shirts that I haven’t worn in years and have no clue why I was holding on to them. I burned a candle, played some music and just enjoyed purging and folding and organizing.

Saturday, we headed to Rodney Scott BBQ in Avondale. Chris couldn’t have made a better suggestion. That place was AMAZING!!!! Even Zoe was chowing down on everything and wanted to try everything too. We took her to pick out a bike after lunch, and we also got her a Minnie convertible too. That purchase was definitely more for Chris, as Zoe still wants nothing to do with the car lol. She is afraid of anything motorized like that. I think when she is a little bigger, she is really going to enjoy it!! She sure does love her bike, though!!! She was too short for a conventional one, and with the way our roads are….we were nervous about her falling….so we went with this one. She can still peddle, but I have control of it. I think it would be perfect to take her around a Railroad park or outdoor events on this too! And you can eventually take the push bar off, it says it lasts until they are five.

My mom met us back at our house, and we walked Zoe around our neighborhood on her bike and chatted for a bit…then came inside to decorate Easter cookies! She brought over a few presents for Zoe and it was really nice to just hang out and chat. Usually we end up going shopping when we get together, so the more laid back vibe of the visit was nice.

Sunday, we celebrated Easter of course! Zoe loved her basket and her new water table that the Easter Bunny brought her. We headed over to Chris’s parents house for family lunch and it was nice seeing everyone! When we got home, we let Zoe ride her bike and test out her water table. Chris had ordered a remote control car for himself to have fun with when we hang outside, and he tested that out. It was a beautiful evening and I hope to spend many more like that!

Look at this goofball and her super cheese smile. I love it! This is the face I get pretty much the first time every time we start taking pictures….

I hope that you all are having a wonderful week! It has been a little crazy around here, as we have a HUGE office move going on and will officially be in our new space Monday. Lots and lots of behind the scene work happening, on top of our normal day to day work. Which has also been crazy busy!


Friday Favorites

What a week! Work was insane Monday-Wednesday, and despite my best efforts, I wasn’t able to get everything done that I needed to and had to pass a few things off. I hate doing that. But I had to take a PTO day yesterday to stay home with Zoe since her daycare is closed for a four day Easter weekend. Luckily, my office is closed today for Good Friday, because we celebrate MLK, the presidents and Jesus…according to company policy. I love it!

Yesterday, I took Zoe to her very first dentist appointment. Home girl was saying how she didn’t want her teeth checked the entire car ride over there. But when we walked in the office and she saw that they had a clubhouse to play in, she decided that maybe the dentist wasn’t so bad after all. The hygienist we had was absolutely amazing and took Zoe “shopping” for a toothbrush, floss, paste and all kinds of little goodies…so Zoe happily sat in the chair all by herself like a big girl and let them check and clean her teeth. I was so damn proud of her. She did amazing and everyone was like…are you sure this is her first time??? Proud mama over here!

I rewarded her by letting her pick out something at Kohls (this secret life of pets shirt) and taking her to lunch of her choice (Casa Fiesta for chips, beans, rice and tacos!)

After lunch, we went to Target where they were having a shoe sale, BOGO 50% off. I scooped up these Okabashi flip flops, and Zoe chose these jellies.

The Okabashi flip flops are American Made and are supposed to be great for people with plantar fasciitis, which is what I was diagnosed at the doctor with a few weeks ago. Ugh, don’t get me started on it. I have to go to physical therapy now, like an old person. My physical therapist things that all my issues have stemmed from my calf muscle in my left leg. She said that she hasn’t see one so tight, and with so many knots, in a really long time. It makes sense, because I have a lot of muscle spasms and soreness in general in my left leg. Now I have to do stretched two times a day and be careful what kind of shoes I wear. Long story short folks, STRETCH!!!! Over stretch!!! You don’t want to end up this way. Fit Flops is another brand that I have discovered that really help with the pain.

Anyways, Zoe and I also went to Belk to get her school picture dress.I gave her three options to pick from and she picked such a pretty little dress that I think will really make her eyes pop in picture! I cant wait to see how they turn out.

Rare Editions Toddler Girls Blue Stripe Lace Yoke Dress

I love the Rare Editions brand for “dressier” clothes for toddlers. They make such beautiful things. I also have my eye on this unicorn outfit for her. The little tassels are such pretty pops of color in person!

We have been enjoying gorgeous weather here the last few days (with some tornado watches thrown in between.) And trying to be outside as much as possible before it gets too hot!

Last Friday, I got to go to lunch with a co-worker. I eat lunch in the break room often, and usually there is a regular group around the time that I eat…and that is nice. But this was one on one time outside of the office, and I really enjoyed it. We went to The Standard at The Pizitz. Their burger and fries were so good!!

I didn’t get the chance to recap last weekend, but Chris, Zoe and I met Chris’s dad at La Calle last weekend for lunch. It is a newer restaurant in our town and it was sooooo good! They have authentic street tacos and other snacks. We all enjoyed our meals. After, we went to the Galleria and let Zoe ride the merry go round, then hit up Dave and Busters. It was a great weekend and we really enjoyed spending time with Chris’s dad. We stopped by Papa Sal’s on the way home and grabbed Italian for dinner. One of our favorites!

I am excited to spend more time this weekend doing whatever we decide to do, and seeing family on Easter. (I think? I haven’t heard what the plan is yet…but I am sure it is coming.) I want to do a little egg hunt with Zoe at home. She had one at school Wednesday, and she really seemed to enjoy it!

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend!!! I leave you with some favorite funnies.

I know I know I stood up for myself
Lmao! I just said it yesterday and had to keep repeating it because I wasn't sure.
30 Funny Quotes That Are All Too Real and Relatable #funnyquotes #funnysayings #wittyquotes #wittyquotes #sarcasm
Or talking to my dogs. Lol