Hey there August 31st! You sure did sneak up on us!!! Ok, but seriously, who else is ridiculously excited that football season kicks off this coming weekend!?!?!?!?! How did we spend our last football free weekend? I am sure you are dying to know…
Friday evening we stayed in and watched a Law and Order SVU marathon. I finished reading Then You Were Gone and started Freefall. Freefall is less than 20 pages away from complete as of this morning, oh yeah!!!
Saturday I cleaned the house in the morning, went to take my nieces birthday presents to my sister’s house in the afternoon, and then Saturday evening we didn’t leave until 8:30pm to head out for the night. Who are we??? We are usually getting ready for bed at that time lol. We went to World of Beer to meet up with one of our friends and for the first time ever, we were there to close the place down. I didn’t get to bed until nearly 4:30am. The time I usually wake up! It was fabulous!!! Of course, I never made it in to any pictures, but here is proof we were out past dark.
While we were there, the people at the table next to us had to be the oldest ones there and man were they white girl wasted!!! It was two mind 40-something couples and the wive/girlfriends kept getting up and doing different yoga poses. I have never attempted yoga drunk before. They were as good as you would think they were and the one girl toppled over and knocked their entire table with all the beer. It was quite entertaining. We saw the four of them walking around Five Points holding hands several times back and forth after they left. I imagine they were looking for their car. Scary!!!
We decided that there is basically nothing to do in Birmingham after the bars close at 2am unless you want to go to Nana Funks so we headed home.
Sunday was a day of meal planning, grocery shopping and tv watching. We watched some Law and Order SVU, Rules of Engagement and Once Upon a Time. I read a little last night and called it a weekend.
And that was the weekend! Just like that we are back to realty this morning. It’s harsh. I hope everyone has a great week!!! Linking up with Biana.