
The Weekend That Flew By


And we all say Amen!

You guys, Gracie did is not OK with springing forward. This is the series of evens that played out with Gracie when I turned their light on in their room this morning.





Then I said..come on Gracie…let’s go outside and potty! Mac is ready to go! To which she responded….


Why yes Gracie, it must be exhausting laying around being adorable all day.

Friday – Friday evening we stayed in and made a frozen pizza and watched some TV. It was nice to just relax and not be anywhere!

Saturday – Saturday morning I made breakfast and we watched some TV. I then cleaned the house and got some laundry started. Some of our friends from Huntsville were in Birmingham for the day, so we decided to meet up with them at World of Beer. After having a beer, the new Back Forty Peach beer which was mighty tasty…I decided that I obviously forgot that I hadn’t had lunch and it was after 3:00pm. So we walked down to Mellow Mushroom where I proceeded to order another beer and some pretzels with beer cheese. Holy yum. If you have a Mellow Mushroom near by, you must run over there now for their beer cheese. That shit is amazing!

Sunday – I got up early and meal planned and did our grocery shopping for the week. I then headed up to my sister’s house for Berkley’s 11th birthday party! She has two pre-teen on her hands now. Oh my! It was great getting to spend some time with my sister, mom and nieces. Cooper and Christopher were there too, but they played outside for the most part.

Cooper is hilarious. He just turned four last weekend and he is all about some shoes and belts. My mom couldn’t make his party last weekend so she brought him his present yesterday. He had picked out two pairs of shoes and an outfit last time they had gone shopping so when he opened is present he was like Converse!!!! Nike!!! Yay! I think it is hilarious that he knows what Converse is.

Then my sister was telling us a story about how he does this beach ball/beach body thing with his stomach so she calls him into the kitchen. She was like show grandma and Nadine your beach ball and he goes haha ok. He lifts his shirt up and pokes out his belly as far as he can and goes BEACH BALL! Then my sister says, show them your beach body. He says, “No…I just ate a cupcake I have no beach body.” We died laughing then my sister says ago, show them your beach body. Cooper says nope. Then she was like…I will let you play with my phone. Cooper says ok, fine! He lifts his shirt up and sucks in and he has like a 6 pack. We all started saying “Whoa look at that beach body!!!!” Cooper turns red and flips his shirt down real fast. TOO FUNNY!  That kid has some serious muscle for a four year old. He gets picked on by all his older brothers and sisters and I think he is training to fight back early. He wants to take karate.

I forgot to take any pictures, but we did get a few with my mom’s phone before she left. I need to get those from her!

And then just like that, the weekend was over. I am pretty sure I certainly noticed that we lost an hour.

And that my friends, is the weekend that was. I hope everyone has a great Monday!

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  • Reply Joey March 10, 2014 at 1:05 pm

    Oh. Em. Gee. Gracie just gets it. That’s exactly how I felt this morning!! The picture of her with her paw over her face is just too dang cute!!!

  • Reply Brooks @ The Handey Way March 10, 2014 at 1:27 pm

    Gracie and I were twins this morning. The struggle is real.

  • Reply kathy @ vodka and soda March 10, 2014 at 1:30 pm

    i think i’m too old for DST because like clockwork, my body woke up at 5am even though it should have felt like 4am. i know how gracie feels!!!

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  • Reply Kelli March 10, 2014 at 2:06 pm

    That ecard is awesome, I’ve never thought of that but it is a wonderful idea!

    I love that you’re wearing a short sleeve shirt, the weather was so nice this weekend!

  • Reply SMD @ Life According to Steph March 10, 2014 at 3:28 pm

    Aww, Gracie. My dogs didn’t want to get up this morning. I am not too bad with spring forward. Falling back gets me though.

    And seriously why can’t we lose the hour Friday at 4 pm?

  • Reply Morgan March 10, 2014 at 3:43 pm

    My dogs were the SAME exact way this morning. I couldn’t get them out of bed!

  • Reply Jordan March 10, 2014 at 3:43 pm

    Mellow Mushroom is so delicious!! Love their beer selection too. And that first someecard, YES!!!

  • Reply TK March 10, 2014 at 3:47 pm

    I’ve never considered springing forward on Friday. Why has no one thought of this yet? I hate springing forward. It messes with my sleep schedule. I might actually not hate it if this happened around… say… 4pm on Friday.

  • Reply Lauren March 10, 2014 at 4:25 pm

    Ha, you know daylight savings is bad when even the pets rebel! It hit me pretty hard this time around, too. It’s like it came with no warning this year!

  • Reply brooke lyn March 10, 2014 at 4:57 pm

    Gracie and i had the same feels when it comes to daylight savings

  • Reply Meredith March 10, 2014 at 8:09 pm

    Man I will be lucky to get through this week. The time change is killing me! Glad you had a good weekend.

  • Reply Meegan March 10, 2014 at 9:47 pm

    Gracie is so precious! I have never been to World of Beer but I might have to go now that you mention that Back Forty Peach beer. That sounds so delicious. Thank goodness I did not give up beer for lent! Cooper sounds like such a ham, so cute!

  • Reply Lynsey @ Eternally Wanderlyn March 10, 2014 at 10:20 pm

    Gracie is so adorable! It’s hard work being that cute! My dogs had a hard time adjusting too. I think they are over this whole DST thing.

  • Reply Amanda March 11, 2014 at 4:17 am

    I’m with Gracie. Daylight savings is some BULLSHIT!

  • Reply Anna March 11, 2014 at 4:58 am

    I woke up like Gracie today. For reals.

    My mom takes her new dog to work with her everyday but today the dog refused to go out the door of the house. I think everyone just wanted to go back to bed today.

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