
Twas the Weekend Before Christmas

Well hey there Blog land! I survived my surgery on Friday. Not because it was an invasive surgery, but because I am a huge baby and didn’t give myself a panic attack and die. I might have been a little bit out of it Friday evening, but I was able to squeeze in some Christmas movies and relaxation on the recliner under my favorite blankets! I also enjoyed a banana milkshake. Nothing like a guilt free milk shake!

Saturday we spent the afternoon with Chris’s family for Christmas dinner and we watched the kiddos open their presents. I was feeling better than I expected on Saturday, and even got to enjoy the foods! I had to eat them at room temperature, and it took me FOREVER to eat….but I wasn’t missing out on the goodness!!

Sunday we were supposed to have Christmas lunch with my dad at 1:00 pm. I got a text in the morning from my sister saying that her and my brother in law were not feeling well at all. My sister works at a daycare and she has had several kids with the flu this past week. She was afraid her and Mike might have come down with it. She said it was best they not come. I agreed. I didn’t want to get sick!!!!! She needed her rest! My dad and I talked and decided it would be best if we just swung by sometime Christmas day instead. So Chris and I decided to hang out with is parents and have some lunch and do some shopping. We had lunch at The Tavern on The Summit. I enjoyed a bowl of chili and a baked potato. Yum! Then we went to Toys R Us and Bargain Hunt. Bargain Hunt was a bust, but Chris got some Xbox One games for buy one get one 30% at Toys R Us. Places were crowded, but not near as crowded as you would think for it being the weekend before Christmas!

Some random thoughts this Monday.

I have a huge bowl of brownie truffle that was supposed to go to my dads house sitting in my refrigerator. I have a feeling that I will be snacking on that more than I should. I mean it is brownies. And it is staring me in the face every time I open the door!

I am working today, Thursday and Friday this week. While it sucks to work the week of Christmas since some of us have to be big kids and not get “Christmas Break,” I am not hating the fact that traffic is so light! It literally took me HALF the time to get to work this morning. That is a big deal when your commute is an hour!

I cant wait for everyone to open their Christmas presents! I love giving presents!

I worked out this morning like a boss. No surgery will keep me down! I followed the modifier today, I don’t need to over do it and cause problems.  Week three of T25 and I am feeling pretty damn good! For me, no work out is fun….but T25 is at least tolerable. I feel like I am definitely shredding some fat and burning calories ever day. It feels great!

You would think I would be sick of Christmas music by now. Nope. Never!!!!

Give me all the Christmas sugar cookies!

Sephora no longer carries my spot treatment in stores. What the crap Sephora?!?!?! Anyone have a acne spot treatment that they LOVE? Please do share!


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  • Reply Darby Hawley December 23, 2013 at 6:08 pm

    Yay! I’m so glad to hear that everything turned out well last week and that you’re back in action today! Now bring on Christmas!

  • Reply jackie December 23, 2013 at 6:57 pm

    glad you survived your surgery 🙂 and you kept up with your workout too – nice! I have to work most of this week too (ugh) but also agree that having lighter traffic is pretty nice!
    — jackie @ jade and oak

  • Reply kathy @ vodka and soda December 23, 2013 at 9:24 pm

    glad that your surgery went well AND you kept up with workouts? BADASS. i LOVE T25!

    Vodka and Soda

  • Reply TK December 23, 2013 at 9:53 pm

    I saved my vacation days for this time of the year, otherwise I’d be working, too. I’m surprised traffic is so light. I figured people would be beside themselves with last minute Christmas shopping.

    p.s. I’ve always gotten great results with the Clean and Clear spot treatment.

  • Reply SMD @ Life According to Steph December 24, 2013 at 5:04 pm

    I’m glad your surgery went well! Kudos for the workouts!

    Merry Christmas!

  • Reply Amanda December 25, 2013 at 1:40 am

    Glad the surgery went well! I knew you’d do fine!! 🙂

  • Reply Lauren January 2, 2014 at 5:59 pm

    Yay for being past surgery and still being able to eat! I did some pre-Christmas shopping too and was shocked by how easy some of it was! This truffle brownie thing you speak of sounds fantastic!

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