weekend shenanigans

Weekend Shenanigans – The One With Another Hurricane

Oh, hey there holiday Monday that doesn’t really count since most of us have to work today. Rude. I am just shaking myself off over here after all the rain that Nate dropped on us all weekend. Gross. Is it just me, or does it seem like we had a crap ton more hurricanes/tropical storms hit us this year? Either way, I am just thankful that it we didn’t have any damage this weekend. Some of our trees were looking a little iffy yesterday!

I stopped by Trader Joes on my lunch break Friday to pick up some essentials that we ran out of, and wanted to try a few of their fall goodies. They are about 45 minutes away from our house, so we don’t get to shop there near as much as we would like to. Not pictured was all the blocks of cheese, chicken chili lime burgers and a few more bottles of wine. What are your must haves from there? I always grab the burgers, gorgonzola gnocchi, corn puffs and cheeses when I go.

Friday night, I got some cleaning done around the house and did a little light reading. We used up the leftover meat from our taco bowls earlier in the week to make some nachos. Delicious!

I was out the door bright and early on Saturday to get my hair cut and colored. I decided to try out the whole balayage look, and have a little trim. My hair was longer in the front with my last cut, and I wanted to reverse that. I love the way my color turned out!!!! I have been all over dark for the last two years, and I am glad to see some blonde return.

Zoe and I hit up the grocery store that afternoon, and the rest of the day was spent hanging around the house and watching all the football games. We didn’t kill Texas A & M the way I wanted to, but a win is a win.

I was supposed to meet up with my mom, godmother and sister on Sunday for an early lunch. The wind and rain started picking up something fierce when it was time to head out, and we were right in the wall and eye of the main storm…so I stayed home and decided I would try to see my godmother later in the afternoon once things calmed down. I ended up meeting up with them at the outlets for awhile, so glad to see her while she was in town!

That evening, we caught up on Scandal and The Good Place and tried out the fall pasta and sauce from Trader Joes. It was delicious!!!!!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Linking up with Biana.

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  • Reply Andrea @ Living On Cloud Nine October 9, 2017 at 11:22 am

    That pasta sauce looks so yummy! And comforting! I thought about you all in Bama this weekend. That pic of you holding up Zoehas me heart! And your hair…,GORGEOUS!! Happy Monday!

  • Reply Lindsay Latimer October 9, 2017 at 11:36 am

    I need to do a Trader Joe’s haul! It’s 45 minutes from us, too, so I don’t get to go as often as I’d like. LOVE your hair! It looks gorgeous. I’m finally getting mine done this weekend and need something different… we’ll see. 🙂 glad you guys are safe!!

  • Reply Ashley @ The Wandering Weekenders October 9, 2017 at 11:41 am

    This year really has been terrible with all of the tropical storms and hurricanes, and I seriously can’t wait for them to be over! Is it November yet? And I’m glad that you were still able to meet up with your mom and sister and godmother despite the terrible weather! And y’all really didn’t kill us like I expected y’all to! I think that’s because our team actually decided to show up for a full game! Hopefully it’ll happen more often now 😉

  • Reply Kate October 9, 2017 at 11:48 am

    Your hair looks fabulous! And yes to all the Trader Joes goodies, and those nachos – yum! So glad you guys are safe, these hurricanes need to stop. Mother Nature is wayyy too drunk this year 😛

  • Reply ShootingStarsMag October 9, 2017 at 12:23 pm

    I had a lot of rain by me yesterday – I just want nice, fall weather WITHOUT the added rain. lol

    I’m not off work today either – very rude! It sounds like you had a nice weekend though.


    here from Weekending link up!

  • Reply Biana @ Blovedboston October 9, 2017 at 1:13 pm

    What a trader joes haul – I spy those banana chips which are my favorite!! The weather has been pretty crappy here as well so I’m ready for crisp fall mornings they have been promising us!! Your hair looks so great girl!! Hope you have a great start to the week! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  • Reply Kay October 9, 2017 at 2:32 pm

    Those nachos look yummy and I really love your hair!! Yes re: hurricanes – too many of them.

  • Reply Rebecca Jo October 9, 2017 at 2:43 pm

    Our Trader Joes is 45 minutes from us too – we havent been out there forever. I need to make a trip.
    Your hair looks GREAT!!! That’s such a natural touch of blond. Perfect.

  • Reply Laura October 9, 2017 at 3:18 pm

    You know how I feel about TJ’s and your hair, sooooooo……. I love that picture of you and Z – so cute! I’m glad you got to meet up with your godmother even if just for a little bit! I at least thought we’d get some cooler weather with all the rain, but then b was like, you did know it is a “tropical” storm right? Oh well.

  • Reply Jenna October 9, 2017 at 3:48 pm

    You know… I’ve never really shopped at a Trader Joe’s.

    You should check out FunnyMaine on YouTube for his weekly “How Bama Fans Watched…” videos. They’re hysterical, and I think he nailed that Texas A&M game.

  • Reply Bri @ My Life As October 9, 2017 at 4:19 pm

    Those nachos look delicious!!

  • Reply Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis October 9, 2017 at 8:38 pm

    Your hair looks fab! I’ve always loved Trader Joe’s fall selection and I’m sad I no longer live or work close to one. Looks like you scooped up some of my faves especially the Gorgonzola gnocchi. So yum! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  • Reply SMD October 9, 2017 at 9:12 pm

    Love your hair!

  • Reply emelia October 9, 2017 at 9:31 pm

    The storms have seemed so bad this year- glad you’re safe! I love balayage and how low maintenance it is- yours turned out great! Do you know I’ve only been to Trader Joe’s ONCE- we don’t have any remotely close, but I want to go soon, next visit to Pgh for sure!

  • Reply Danielle October 10, 2017 at 4:45 pm

    Loving your hair. I tried that simplier wines with the sparkling one and I really liked it for being in a can. Love TJs. I need to go there this weekend.

  • Reply Laura October 11, 2017 at 9:41 pm

    We had the gnocchi for dinner tonight! It was delicious. Your hair looks great!

  • Reply StephTheBookworm October 12, 2017 at 10:14 am

    Girl, your hair looks fabulous!
    Also, those nachos look to die for. Yum!
    Our Trader Joe’s is about 30 minutes away so we’ve only been a few times too.

  • Reply Alexandra October 12, 2017 at 2:41 pm

    Your hair looks so cute! Yumm.. I wish we had a Trader Joe’s closer. The nearest one is like 45 min away. Oh well… maybe we need to make a trip! 🙂 XO – Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

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