
Let’s Talk Weight Loss

Day 26: Something you read online. Leave a link and discuss, if you’d like.

I have posted before about how I am struggling with myself in the weight department. In my free time, when I am not reading and commenting on all your blogs, I like to read articles that may inspire me or give me some ideas on what to do. I came across this article the other day, and it interested me. If they really did put how much exercise was required to burn the calories in foods, it really would make me think twice about some things! I know when making decisions that some things are obviously healthier than others…but if you saw that it took 141 minutes on the elliptical to burn off a cheeseburger and fries, you may not be tempted to splurge after all and have a lighter option.

This article talked about how they gave 3 menu options to a group of people. One had just the menu, a menu with calories and a menu with exercise you’d have to do to burn it off. I know for me, just having the calorie count on the menu makes me think twice about a lot of things! What about you?

What are some of your favorite weight loss/diet articles? I would love to take a look at them!

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  • Reply WholeSale Supplier May 26, 2013 at 11:00 pm

    Hey, I’m a new blogger and I really like this blog! It’s put together very well and has some very good information.
    Great Blog!

  • Reply WholeSale Supplier May 26, 2013 at 11:01 pm

    Hey, I’m a new blogger and I really like this blog! It’s put together very well and has some very good information.
    Great Blog!

  • Reply laurl self May 27, 2013 at 4:08 am

    I was recently at McDonalds and did notice the calories and though I did not opt for the salad, I did choose wiser from the burger menu. Salads are hard to each when driving.

    Although, sometimes when there is a small difference in the calories, I have opted to go with the higher callorie option to get less bread, for example.

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